Widget image name  Azure DevOps - SamLearnsAzure high performing DevOps metrics

Days to display:

Deployment frequency

There is no data to display for this period
Last 0 completed builds shown, out of 0 builds over last 30 days
Deployment frequency: 0.00 times per year
Deployment frequency ranking: None
Badge: Badge with metric image

Lead time for changes

There is no data to display for this period
Last 0 completed pull requests shown, out of 0 pull requests over last 30 days
Lead time for changes: 0.0 hours
Lead time for changes ranking: None
Badge: Badge with metric image

Time to restore service

There is no data to display for this period
Last 0 alerts shown, out of 0 alerts over last 30 days
Mean time to restore: 0.00 hours
Time to restore ranking: None
Badge: Badge with metric image
SLA level: no data

Change Failure Rate

There is no data to display for this period
Last 0 completed deployments shown, out of 0 deployments, over last 30 days
Change failure rate ranking: None
Badge: Badge with metric image