Change failure rate

Widget image name  Azure DevOps -

There is no data to display for this period
Last 0 completed deployments shown, out of 0 deployments, over last 30 days
Change failure rate ranking: None
Badge: Badge with metric image

Widget image name  Azure DevOps -

There is no data to display for this period
Last 0 completed deployments shown, out of 0 deployments, over last 30 days
Change failure rate ranking: None
Badge: Badge with metric image

Widget image name  Azure DevOps - a

There is no data to display for this period
Last 0 completed deployments shown, out of 0 deployments, over last 30 days
Change failure rate ranking: None
Badge: Badge with metric image

Widget image name  Azure DevOps - azure-pipelines.yml

There is no data to display for this period
Last 0 completed deployments shown, out of 0 deployments, over last 30 days
Change failure rate ranking: None
Badge: Badge with metric image

Widget image name  Azure DevOps - SamLearnsAzure.CI

There is no data to display for this period
Last 0 completed deployments shown, out of 0 deployments, over last 30 days
Change failure rate ranking: None
Badge: Badge with metric image

Widget image name  Azure DevOps - w

There is no data to display for this period
Last 0 completed deployments shown, out of 0 deployments, over last 30 days
Change failure rate ranking: None
Badge: Badge with metric image

Widget image name  GitHub - CI/CD

There is no data to display for this period
Last 0 completed deployments shown, out of 0 deployments, over last 30 days
Change failure rate ranking: None
Badge: Badge with metric image

Widget image name  GitHub - request-vscode-extensions

There is no data to display for this period
Last 0 completed deployments shown, out of 0 deployments, over last 30 days
Change failure rate ranking: None
Badge: Badge with metric image

Widget image name  GitHub - CI/CD

There is no data to display for this period
Last 0 completed deployments shown, out of 0 deployments, over last 30 days
Change failure rate ranking: None
Badge: Badge with metric image

Widget image name  GitHub - CI/CD

There is no data to display for this period
Last 0 completed deployments shown, out of 0 deployments, over last 30 days
Change failure rate ranking: None
Badge: Badge with metric image
Last 6 completed deployments shown, out of 6 deployments, over last 30 days
Change failure rate: 100.00%
Change failure rate ranking: Low
Badge: Badge with metric image

Widget image name  GitHub - Pipelines to Actions website CI/CD

There is no data to display for this period
Last 0 completed deployments shown, out of 0 deployments, over last 30 days
Change failure rate ranking: None
Badge: Badge with metric image

Widget image name  GitHub - CI/CD

There is no data to display for this period
Last 0 completed deployments shown, out of 0 deployments, over last 30 days
Change failure rate ranking: None
Badge: Badge with metric image

Widget image name  GitHub - .NET

There is no data to display for this period
Last 0 completed deployments shown, out of 0 deployments, over last 30 days
Change failure rate ranking: None
Badge: Badge with metric image

Widget image name  GitHub - CI/CD

There is no data to display for this period
Last 0 completed deployments shown, out of 0 deployments, over last 30 days
Change failure rate ranking: None
Badge: Badge with metric image

Widget image name  GitHub - CI/ CD

Last 3 completed deployments shown, out of 3 deployments, over last 30 days
Change failure rate: 100.00%
Change failure rate ranking: Low
Badge: Badge with metric image

Widget image name  GitHub - CI/ CD

There is no data to display for this period
Last 0 completed deployments shown, out of 0 deployments, over last 30 days
Change failure rate ranking: None
Badge: Badge with metric image

Widget image name  GitHub - CI/CD

There is no data to display for this period
Last 0 completed deployments shown, out of 0 deployments, over last 30 days
Change failure rate ranking: None
Badge: Badge with metric image

Widget image name  GitHub - CI/CD

There is no data to display for this period
Last 0 completed deployments shown, out of 0 deployments, over last 30 days
Change failure rate ranking: None
Badge: Badge with metric image

Widget image name  GitHub - SamsFeatureFlags CI/CD

There is no data to display for this period
Last 0 completed deployments shown, out of 0 deployments, over last 30 days
Change failure rate ranking: None
Badge: Badge with metric image

Widget image name  GitHub - CI

There is no data to display for this period
Last 0 completed deployments shown, out of 0 deployments, over last 30 days
Change failure rate ranking: None
Badge: Badge with metric image

Widget image name  GitHub - test

There is no data to display for this period
Last 0 completed deployments shown, out of 0 deployments, over last 30 days
Change failure rate ranking: None
Badge: Badge with metric image

Change failure rate rating table
Description Elite High Medium Low
For the primary application or service you work on, what percentage of changes to production or releases to users result in degraded service (e.g. lead to service impariment or service outage), and subsequently required remediation (e.g. require a hotfix, rollback, fix forward, patch) 0-15% 0-15% (although we are using 16-30% for this calcuation) 0-15% (although we are using 31-45% for this calcuation) 46-60% (although we are using 46%+ for this calculation)

What am I looking at?
Change failure rate is a high performing DevOps metric to measure the success of deployments to production. This page helps us to measure it across various projects in both Azure DevOps and GitHub
How does it work?
We look at builds, and let the user indicate if it was successful or a failure. By default (currently), the build is considered a failure. (We are going to change this to success by default later)
Assumptions/things we can't currently measure:
- The build is multi-stage, and leads to a deployment in a production environment.
- We only look at a single branch (usually the main branch), hence we ignore feature branches (as these probably aren't deploying to production)
- The user has reviewed the build/deployment and confirmed that the production deployment was successful